Visual Studio Code Extension

Build custom components in Visual Studio Code with the new VS Code extension.

As an additional option to using, you can now use Visual Studio Code to create and edit custom components.

The extension is currently available as an early preview. It provides the following features:

  1. Show component syntax errors in the VS Code editor
  2. Render a preview that can be viewed in VS Code

Please not that the extension is currently only supported on Windows 64-bit.

To get started with the extension:

1. Install Visual Studio Code

If you do not have VS Code installed already, download the latest version from

2. Visit the downloads page to download the latest version of the extension

It is not yet available in the Visual Studio gallery. At the time of writing, the latest version is v0.0.1-dev.

Download the VSIX file listed under VS Code Extension.

3. Install the extension in VS Code

Under the extensions tab, click the More menu and then Install from VSIX....

Install from VSIX

Click Reload Now in the message that appears.

VS Code reload

4. Download the CLI Tool

The extension requires the Circuit Diagram Command-line Tool. Download the latest copy of this from the downloads page.

Extract the contents of

5. Configure the extension

In VS Code, go to File -> Preferences -> Settings. Add the path to the CLI tool from the previous step.

    "circuitDiagram.executablePath": "C:\\Path\\To\\circuit-diagram-cli.exe"

6. Open your component XML file

A Render Preview button will be shown in the top right corner of the editor.

Render preview

Clicking this will show any errors and render a preview of your component.

7. Render Options

You can place a file in the same directory as your component to control how the preview is rendered.

For example:


This will render the component horizontally, with the Resistance property set to 220.